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Christmas Macarons

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

“Nothing is impossible the word itself says I’m Possible.” -Audrey Hepburn

The minty-ist of seasons is upon us, and that means peppermint plus more peppermint, sprinkles with a little bit, oh wait, I’m sorry a lot of peppermints. I love macarons, and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make a festive set of macrons for the holiday season. These little cookies of joy have cinnamon and nutmeg in the shell, and a peppermint frosting in the center, to give a warm and fresh taste with every bite.

I hope you enjoy these macarons as much as I did because they are delicious for this time of year with so much cheer.

Happy Baking!

Ingredients for Macaron Shells

⅔ cup ground almonds

1 ½ cups powdered sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon nutmeg

3 large egg whites, room temperature

5 tablespoons granulated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Cut a sheet of parchment paper to fit your baking sheet. Draw 1-inch circles on the paper, spacing them at least ½ inch apart.

  2. In a food processor, grind almonds, cinnamon, nutmeg, and powdered sugar together to a fine powder. Sift the mixture through a medium-mesh sieve twice. Set aside.

  3. In a stainless-steel mixing bowl, beat egg whites on high speed until they are foamy. Gradually add granulated sugar to the egg whites. Beat egg whites on high speed until they reach stiff, glossy peaks, about one minute. You can use a hand mixer or a stand mixer.

  4. Add vanilla and stir lightly. When the meringue is stiff, firm, and has a glossy texture it is done.

  5. Add half of the sifted flour mixture from step 2. Stir it with a spatula while scooping it up from the bottom of the bowl, folding the flour mixture into the meringue to not knock any air out of it.

  6. Add the rest of the flour and mix it lightly in a circular motion.

  7. When you run out of flour, add color press and spread out the batter against the bowl’s sides. Scoop the batter from the bottom and turn it upside down. Repeat this process about 15 times. (Tip: If the macaronage step is repeated less than 10 times the baked macarons will lackluster. However when it is repeated more than 20 times oil stains may remain on the pastry's surface when the macarons are baked.)

  8. When the batter becomes nicely firm and drips slowly as you scoop it with a spatula the mixture is done.

  9. Put batter into a piping bag with 0.4-inch tip (Tip: Twist bag to hold the tip tightly, this prevents the batter from leaking out. After the batter is in clip end of the bag) and squeeze out batter onto the center of circle templates. (batter will spread)

  10. Rap the baking sheet firmly against the counter.

  11. Dry the batter at room temp, uncovered, for 15-30 minutes. A slight crust should form on top of them. If batter circles do not stick to your finger the drying process is complete. (Tip: The batter is settled when no tips can be seen in the circles.)

  12. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Bake Macarons for 10-15 minutes, flipping tray around halfway through the bake that they bake evenly.

  13. Once out of the oven, allow macarons to cool before filling and sandwiching.

Ingredients for Peppermint Filling

1 cup of butter

3 cups of powdered sugar

2 Tablespoon milk

1 teaspoon of vanilla

½ teaspoon of peppermint extract


  1. Beat butter in a mixer until creamy.

  2. Add powdered sugar a cup at a time, alternating between milk

  3. Add vanilla and peppermint extract. Beat until smooth.

  4. Once macaron shells have fully cooled put frosting in a piping bag with a star tip on one side of the macaron and put another on top.

  5. Eat. enjoy.

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